Opinion Tackle the underlying disease of RI’s education quality The RI Public Expenditure Council (RIPEC) has boldly gone where politicians rarely dare to go.…Julia SteinyDecember 16, 2022
Uncategorized Empowered leader can help RI takeover of schools succeed. State takeovers don’t work. Researchers at Brown University’s Annenberg Institute examined takeovers starting in the…Julia SteinySeptember 29, 2022
Opinion Providence schools are structured to fail. In June 2019, a team from Johns Hopkins issued a stinging report on the Providence…Julia SteinyApril 14, 2022
Uncategorized We’re not teaching most kids to read. Date: March 22, 2022 As schools wrestle with finding some semblance of normal, remember that…Julia SteinyMarch 25, 2022
Opinion We’re not teaching most kids to read. Photo: "Children reading c.1960 'Celebrating World Book Day'" by Archives New Zealand is licensed under…Julia SteinyMarch 22, 2022